May 30, 2007
Katie turns 21 months old today! It is finally starting to truly sink in that Katie is here to stay! It seems hard to believe that I would say something like that, but for as long as I have been wanting a child and as long as the wait feels, it is just strange to have that part of becoming a parent over.
Katie is doing very well. She saw the pediatrician again today. It seems like she is forever going there. Mainly, these are well-baby visits, except that she is being treated as a newborn and getting all of her shots. Medically, we have really only had two issues come up. First, she has been having ear infections. She came home with one, got another one, and then got one in both ears. The doctor said today that her ears look good. Even better is that we don't have to worry about taking her swimming: no problem since her eardrums are intact! However, if she continues to get ear infections over the summer, then we will most likely be looking at ear tubes. The OR nurse in me knows that that is such a simple and common thing that little ones need to have done, so I am not overly concerned. I would prefer her to never have another ear infection, but if she does, I am all in favor of taking steps to eliminate future ones. The other issue that has come up is hypothyroidism. Her thyroid has not been working well enough to make enough stuff, so her pituitary gland had to step in and help the thyroid. Fortunately, Katie's little body (and Mr. Pituitary) have been able to compensate for the poorly functioning thryoid. That is wonderful news as problems with the thyroid, especially in children and very early in life, have devastating effects on mental ability. Silent prayers of thanks have been repeatedly sent. The only negative about the hypothyroid situation is that Katie has to take a thyroid supplement every day and needs to have her blood drawn every 3-4 weeks. While I am not a fan of having my own blood drawn, let alone having to have a child's drawn, I realize that this is a completely doable situation.
Kelly, I hope that all goes well with Grace if she does indeed need her own set of ear tubes.
Jeana, I hope that Livi's path is smooth and painless.
On the more positive side of things: Katie went to her first Cardinal baseball game! She now has her own big Build-a-Bear Fredbird and her own miniature Fredbird. At the game, she was essentially permanently attached to her miniFred! She had a Cardinals logo onesie on, with denim shorts; in her hair was a red bow and in her shorts' belt loops was another red bow! She looked absolutely adorable. I will try to post a picture or two tomorrow. (I just have to remember to do it!) And to top it all off, the Cards won!!!!
Then, on Memorial Day, Katie went swimming for the first time! The water was quite cold, but Katie smiled and laughed almost the entire time. Only once or twice was there a little bit of a cry. However, our time came to an end when her lips turned a little blue and were chattering. Cold water. Bad. But incredibly fun. We got Katie a little inflatable boat so that she could sit and we could go around the lazy river. She absolutely loved it. She really liked the part about splashing water.
Kelly and Jeana: Please know that two more boats await usage here! All that needs to be done at this time is to inflate them. And that will only take us (Cindy and me) 10 minutes a piece max. We figured that each little girl needs to have her own little boat. So, they each have one!
I need to start wrapping things up this evening. Hope all is well with friends and family!