The next few pictures are of Grant's Farm. Jeana and Livi and Cindy, Katie, and I went there the weekend of the CHI picnic. Unfortunately, Kelly and Grace had to leave on Sunday morning, so they didn't get to go with us. Here is Katie petting one of the Clydesdales. Such magnificient creatures!
Here we are at the zoo again! Katie and Livi both enjoyed the Carousel, but I think Cindy enjoyed getting the kiss more than the girls enjoyed the ride. Next is Livi going down the slide in the Children's zoo, with Jeana there to 'catch' her. The 'spider web net' is also at the Children's zoo.

Back at Grant's Farm, we all fed the goats. It was great fun for the most part, but those goats were so hungry (ok, aggressive) that they even tried to eat Katie's ear. Katie did not care for that, and I needed to promptly pick her up! Katie couldn't get away from the goats fast enough after that!

It was an incredibly hot and humid day, so we did enjoy the offerings at Grant's Farm. Ok, not Cindy, since she was driving, and not the girls because they are underage.
Next are some pictures from the CHI reunion picnic. The first is of all three of the girls, Grace, Livi, and Katie having fun with some of the entertainment. Next is a picture of Marty, Katie, and me. Marti is the social worker that worked with me to bring Katie home. Thank you, Marti!!!

Here is Grace, all dolled up for our tea party. And below is Livi all dolled up.

Above is all of us at the CHI reunion picnic.

Here are the girls having fun at the CHI picnic, having fun playing in the pool of peanuts!

Here is when all of us at the airport, when everyone arrived. Below is our first night dinner at the Russian Bistro, Astoria.

Here is more of the tea party.

And this is Katie all dolled up for the tea party.
I now think that things are pretty much updated for the summer.
At 9:08 AM,
MandyJo013078 said…
Christy -
I love all your pictures! Katie is growing! She is just so cute! It looks like you are having a blast this summer! Oh and the 4th of July celebration too cute! Hope all is well w/ you two! I just sat down last night again with my mom to go over finances and if I should turn in my application for my adoption to get started! I have some money saved up to take me through the home studies and such - but no further than that - so I'm trying to decide if I want to wait or just go ahead and make the leap of faith. Thanks for your blog! I can't wait to be adopting too!
At 11:42 AM,
MandyJo013078 said…
Christy -
How's everything going w/ Katie? Just thought I'd drop you a little note to see how things are going? Miss hearing from you, Mandy Jo
At 7:11 AM,
MandyJo013078 said…
I tagged you :) I hope you don't mind it's 8 Random Things about you ....
At 12:09 PM,
Jeana said…
Ooh! A double tag! Christy, you're it! Let's see those 8 Random Things About You... (you can see my blog for an example of what to do.)
At 11:41 PM,
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