Here are the promised pictures of Katie!!
Last night, Katie was asleep at about 8:40 pm and up at 6:30. Needless to say, she is one tired puppy! She has had two naps today, and won't last long this evening. Yesterday was such a big day for her! All things considered, she is adjusting well. There are so many new things happening, including teeth! She is working on getting some teeth a little further back in her mouth. Thank goodness that Aunt Tinny packed the baby Oragel! It does seem to be helping.
She has little pink boots that have lights, and she likes to make the lights come on. Of course, the boots aren't on her feet for this. She is not a fan of shoes, yet.
She LOVES her bottles! She can't suck enough down. And of course the applesauce is good too. I am not certain about the peas and carrots. She truly is my daughter!
We are trying to nest this weekend. More to come later as Katie is getting a little tired sitting here at the computer.
Christy, Cindy, and the real Katie!
At 6:57 AM,
Jeana said…
It's obvious in the photos that you are absolutely thrilled with your new daughter! And with good reasion--she is absolutely adorable! Congratulaions, again!
At 7:11 PM,
Kelly said…
CONGRATULATIONS, MOM CHRISTY! You did it! And now, like you said, you can rest and nest and just get to know each other. It sounds like you're both doing well. I'm so happy for you!
Make sure to blog or at least journal off line so that you can remember all of the new events!
God bless and I wish you a non-eventful trip to Moscow and then home.
Love, Kelly
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