Good Morning! It is about 2:oo pm here, but early Monday morning for folks back home.
Katie spent a bit of a restless night, but we got smart this morning. When she woke up at 5:00, we gave her another bottle. 5 minutes later, she was back in the portacrib making the sucking sounds that means she is about to fall asleep. This means that we got TWO more hours of sleep ourselves. (Wonderful!!)
Katie still has a bit of a cold and is both congested and snotty. Added to this is her teething. So, add drool to the mix. Dimetap and Tylenol are great. It has made her feel better - although we can tell when the small doses we have given her wear off. We expected all of this, but we feel so bad that she feels bad.
Katie absolutely LOVES to be dangled. Hold her up in the air, let her hands and feet wiggle while she looks down at our faces and you will see pure delight. She beams when we do this.
She craves human contact! She cries when you put her down.
Katie had her first shower today! She was clean from head to toe - until 20 minutes later when it was breakfast. We tried more carrots - note the "tried". She is wearing more than actually went into her tummy. Oh well! Sweet potatoes were a hit, so all is not lost. Cindy asked if I wanted carrots for breakfast or if bananas sounded better. "Duh!", Cindy said.
She is having a good time - for the teething, we have given her biter biscuits. At first she just held them, threw them on the floor and ignored them. She graduated to licking finally. Now, she uses them for their true purpose. The entire hotel staff has been wonderful. We couldn't have had more helpful folks - unless you were here!
Still rainy here, so we haven't ventured out with her. Christy was wonderful - she went to the store for water, more baby food, and lunch! Yummy!! I was ready for some new food. Didn't like the idea of splitting up, but . . . All is well - 'cept now Cindy owes Christy BIG TIME.
Heading to Moscow on Wednesday and US Embassy on Thursday.
More info to come later.
Katie spent a bit of a restless night, but we got smart this morning. When she woke up at 5:00, we gave her another bottle. 5 minutes later, she was back in the portacrib making the sucking sounds that means she is about to fall asleep. This means that we got TWO more hours of sleep ourselves. (Wonderful!!)
Katie still has a bit of a cold and is both congested and snotty. Added to this is her teething. So, add drool to the mix. Dimetap and Tylenol are great. It has made her feel better - although we can tell when the small doses we have given her wear off. We expected all of this, but we feel so bad that she feels bad.
Katie absolutely LOVES to be dangled. Hold her up in the air, let her hands and feet wiggle while she looks down at our faces and you will see pure delight. She beams when we do this.
She craves human contact! She cries when you put her down.
Katie had her first shower today! She was clean from head to toe - until 20 minutes later when it was breakfast. We tried more carrots - note the "tried". She is wearing more than actually went into her tummy. Oh well! Sweet potatoes were a hit, so all is not lost. Cindy asked if I wanted carrots for breakfast or if bananas sounded better. "Duh!", Cindy said.
She is having a good time - for the teething, we have given her biter biscuits. At first she just held them, threw them on the floor and ignored them. She graduated to licking finally. Now, she uses them for their true purpose. The entire hotel staff has been wonderful. We couldn't have had more helpful folks - unless you were here!
Still rainy here, so we haven't ventured out with her. Christy was wonderful - she went to the store for water, more baby food, and lunch! Yummy!! I was ready for some new food. Didn't like the idea of splitting up, but . . . All is well - 'cept now Cindy owes Christy BIG TIME.
Heading to Moscow on Wednesday and US Embassy on Thursday.
More info to come later.
At 8:13 AM,
Jeana said…
It sounds like you're having a wonderful time--and it looks like you get to come home on Friday! Hurray!
about the dangling--Alivia loves to "fly", too! She absolutely chortles when we do that!
At 6:33 PM,
Kelly said…
Grace loves any kind of acrobatics! Even on the trip from Tver to Moscow. Today we did "tick tock" where I dangle her from the ankles and swing her like a pendulum. I also spin her in the air and turn her upside down. It's a great way to promote attachment (in my opinion).
Congrats again! Love, Kelly
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